Our fireplaces are at their best when there’s a bright flame in the grate and a crackle in the air, and our customers love using them during the colder months of the year. When it warms up, however, your fireplace is still one of the main features in your room, and there’s no reason why it has to stay bare and empty, just because you don’t need to light a fire.
Fireplaces should look fabulous all year round, and although our crafted surrounds will always look stunning, you may want to think about how to keep your fireplaces looking bright without setting a match to fuel. The mantelpiece is the ideal place for ornaments and is often the resting place for cards, invitations, and family photos.
Flowers are a great way to mark the seasons and to bring the outdoors into your home. You can choose fresh flowers that sit on the hearth in front of your grate – use tall flowers and a big vase to add height to your fireplace. Many people also use dried flower arrangements, which don’t need water or tending. Garden centers, craft shops, and hobby outlets all sell a wide variety of dried flowers that can be arranged in your grate for a summer effect.
A candle is another popular way of dressing up your fireplace for summer. Your candles can be decorative or practical or a mixture of both. There’s certainly no shortage of choice on the high street choose candles of varying sizes, shapes, and colors to create a centerpiece. Take a look at your local antique shop to see if you can find a suitable fire screen to sit in front of your grate during the summer. Original fire screens were designed to keep the direct heat from turning ladies’ faces pink and came in a wide range of sizes and designs. Contemporary fire screens can also be found, giving you the choice between traditional and modern.